Careers that fit your life
find a flexible career that allows you to live a life you love
Think it's too good to be true? Read this:
“Avanti Alliance has allowed me to reevaluate my skill set and find a job that compliments my life as the mother of two young children. I left my full-time corporate job and am able to work a part-time remote job that keeps me engaged and challenged professionally. The company and its founder understand first-hand the challenges of “having it all” and they are passionate about making working motherhood both attainable and positive. I am so grateful for this progressive company (Avanti Alliance) and would not hesitate to recommend them to friends and family. They will help you each step of the way until you find your definition of success.”
Melissa, Florida

Hi I am Dana Underwood, Founder of Avanti Alliance.
I spent my entire professional career in a corporate setting working long hours at a job that was demanding but that I loved. When my son was born everything changed.
I realized I could no longer show up the way I had previously in my career and still be the mom I wanted to be. I felt forced to choose. I began looking for options. I wasn’t ready to give up my career totally but I couldn’t find the support I needed to figure out what an alternative could look like. In my mind it was either you work or you stay home.
I decided there had to be another way. So, I dedicated myself to helping women figure out a better way to balance a career and family. I help find flexible career options that fit their lives. I show women who are burned out from doing it all that they have options and help them take back their lives.
Why Getting Ahead of a Layoff is so Important
It seems like with every week that goes by, I know more and more people whose jobs have been impacted by the current pandemic. What’s most challenging about a layoff is that no matter how talented you may be or how hard you work, you have very little control over the outcome. While you can’t control the outcome, you have full control over your reaction to it.
Being a working mom isn’t selfish
Being a working mom isn’t selfish. Read that again. Being a working mom is not selfish. There’s a lot of guilt associated with wanting to work. With wanting to build something for yourself. Something you worked hard for, care about, and are good at. But listen when I say, that’s a normal feeling and a healthy desire.
Why should I hire a career coach?
I started Avanti Alliance to help other women navigate how to take back their lives. Instead of trying to “lean in” to everything, prioritize what matters and build around that. That’s the key to feeling like you have a grasp on this thing called life. When we’re able to work toward a meaningful goal, not merely work a job to get a paycheck.
Our Manifesto
We are founded in the belief that your work should fit your life. That flexibility breeds productivity, profitability and innovation. That working smarter is…smarter. We believe that personal and professional success is not mutually exclusive. You can have a great career and a great life but in order to achieve a high level of success in both you need to think, and act, differently. We are catalysts of change, focused on a better way forward.

What do you really want?
Gain the clarity you need to move forward and cut through the noise with our downloadable workbook.