Personal Growth

Dana Underwood Avanti Alliance discussing how to get ahead of a layoff

Why Getting Ahead of a Layoff is so Important

It seems like with every week that goes by, I know more and more people whose jobs have been impacted by the current pandemic. What’s most challenging about a layoff is that no matter how talented you may be or how hard you work, you have very little control over the outcome. While you can’t control the outcome, you have full control over your reaction to it.

Dana Underwood Avanti Alliance mom guilt

Being a working mom isn’t selfish

Being a working mom isn’t selfish. Read that again. Being a working mom is not selfish. There’s a lot of guilt associated with wanting to work. With wanting to build something for yourself. Something you worked hard for, care about, and are good at. But listen when I say, that’s a normal feeling and a healthy desire.

Dana Underwood of Avanti Alliance career coaching

Why should I hire a career coach?

I started Avanti Alliance to help other women navigate how to take back their lives. Instead of trying to “lean in” to everything, prioritize what matters and build around that. That’s the key to feeling like you have a grasp on this thing called life. When we’re able to work toward a meaningful goal, not merely work a job to get a paycheck.

Avanti Alliance Career Coach For Women

Why I Quit the Corporate World and Founded Avanti Alliance

I’m Dana Underwood, founder of Avanti Alliance. I have spent my entire professional career (13 years and counting) working in corporate retail. It’s a career that I loved… for its creativity, daily demands, and constant change. It has afforded me a great salary, opportunities to travel the world, and a network of amazing colleagues and …

Why I Quit the Corporate World and Founded Avanti Alliance Read More »


Gratitude, why it matters

The one question that always seems to be top of mind when considering a job change is, is now the right time? It’s easy to talk ourselves out of change. Change is scary and often takes more effort than staying in our current situation, even if less than ideal. We work to convince ourselves that it’s not “that bad”. Maybe I should give it more time or it will be better if I wait a bit. More often than not these thoughts are being driven by our discomfort, not the reality of the situation.

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