Stop Dreading Monday's

Find a career you love that fits the life you want to live

What kind of support do you need?

Job Portal

Post or browse part time, contract and job share positions for experienced professionals ready for flexibility in their lives. Join the searchable candidate pool and get in front of employers who value balance as much as you do.


Know something has to change but not sure where to start? Want more flexibility in your job but have no idea how to get it? I will help you get clear about what you actually want and help you take actionable steps to get there. With personalized job search services you’ll find the path from here to there isn’t as long as you think.

Virtual Learning

Get answers to all your career related questions in a virtual format that fits your schedule. Find out how to improve your salary negotiations, how to leverage your current skillset for a new industry and more.

“Avanti Alliance has allowed me to reevaluate my skill set and find a job that compliments my life as the mother of two young children. I left my full-time corporate job and am able to work a part-time remote job that keeps me engaged and challenged professionally. The company and its founder understand first-hand the challenges of “having it all” and they are passionate about making working motherhood both attainable and positive. I am so grateful for this progressive company (Avanti Alliance) and would not hesitate to recommend them to friends and family. They will help you each step of the way until you find your definition of success.”

Melissa, Florida

What do you really want?

Gain the clarity you need to move forward and cut through the noise with our downloadable workbook.

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